1. Leitāne, I. Gastropoetik der jiddischen Literatur in Lettland: Semiotik der Mahlzeiten bei Tanhum Dvinski = Gastropoētika jidiša literatūrā Latvijā. Maltīšu semiotika Tanhuma Dvinska darbos. XXIV Symposium für Jiddische. Studien in Deutschland. Universitaet Trier, Universität Düsseldorf. 4–6 October 2021.
  2. Spalvēna, A. Food for People: Making of Latvian National Cuisine in Cookbooks of Interwar period. Literary Taste Map: From Taste Culture to Taste Industry. International conference. Vilnius. The Lithuanian Comparative Literature Association and Institute of Lithuanian Literature and Folklore, online, 24.–25.09.2020.
  3. Spalvēna, A. Tautiski gardumi: ēdiena loma nacionālās identitātes konstruēšanā un tās atspoguļojums pavārgrāmatās. = National delicacies: the role of food in the construction of national identity and its reflection in cookbooks. Kultūras krustpunkti. Starptautiska zinātniska konference. Rīga, Latvijas Kultūras akadēmija, tiešsaistē, 06.11.2020.
  4. Leitāne, I. Komparatīvā gastro-semiotika: izaicinājumi un iespējas. Starpkaru perioda tulkojumi jidišā Baltijā. = Comparative gastro-poetics. Interwar period Yiddish Translations in Baltics. Kultūras krustpunkti. Starptautiska zinātniska konference. Rīga, Latvijas Kultūras akadēmija, tiešsaistē, 06.11.2020.
  5. Leitāne, I. "A piece of bread and a sip of wine". The Use of Food Metaphors with Jan Amos Komensky. = "Maizes kumoss un vīna malks". Ēdienu metaforu lietojums Jāna Amosa Komenska darbos. Between the Labyrinth and the Way of Light. Early Modern Metaphors of Knowledge and Johannes Amos Comenius. The Institute of Philosophy, Czech Academy of Sciences, Prague; German Historical Institute Warsaw. 1–4 September 2021, Prague.
  6. Pogodina, S. Кухня русской эмиграции: тексты 1920–1930-х годов. = The cuisine of the Russian emigration: texts of the 1920s - 1930s. LU 79. starptautiskā zinātniskā konference. Globālie un lokālie procesi slāvu valodās, literatūrā un kultūrā V, Latvijas Universitāte, Rīga, tiešsaistē, 12.03.2021.
  7. Pogodina, S. Russian Food as an Identity Marker: Russian Periodicals in Latvia in 1920s and 1930s. Literary Taste Map: From Taste Culture to Taste Industry. International conference. Vilnius. The Lithuanian Comparative Literature Association and Institute of Lithuanian Literature and Folklore, online, 24.–25.09.2020.
  8. Pogodina, S. Гастропоэтика на страницах рижской русской периодики 1920-1940-х: празднично-религиозный аспект. = Gastropoetics on the pages of the Riga Russian periodicals of the 1920s-1940s: Festive and religious aspect. Международная научная конференция. Посольство Литовской Республики в Российской Федерации, Центр Балто-славянских исследований, Института славяноведения РАН, Институт Мировой культуры МГУ, Москва, 18.–19.05.2021.
  9. Laurušaitė, L. Famine in Contemporary Lithuanian and Latvian Literature: Collective Remembrance or Hunger Industry? / Badas šiuolaikinėje lietuvių ir latvių literatūroje: kolektyvinė atmintis ar alkio industrija? Literary Taste Map: From Taste Culture to Taste Industry. International conference. Vilnius. The Lithuanian Comparative Literature Association and Institute of Lithuanian Literature and Folklore, online, 24.–25.09.2020.
  10. Laurušaitė, L. Svina un asins garša 21. gs. traumas naratīvos jeb gastro-antipoētika. = The taste of lead and blood in the 21st century. trauma narratives or gastro-antipoetics. 27. starptautiskā zinātniskā konference Aktuālas problēmas literatūras un kultūras pētniecībā, Liepājas Universitāte, 10.–11.03.2021.
  11. Lāms, O. Cheese on the Menu of Latvian Contemporary Migrants and in the Sense of Identity. Literary Taste Map: From Taste Culture to Taste Industry. International conference. Vilnius. The Lithuanian Comparative Literature Association and Institute of Lithuanian Literature and Folklore, online, 24.–25.09.2020.
  12. Lāms, O. Baltischer Salat (Rassol). Beobachtungen zur kulinarischen Identität des Baltikums. = Baltic salad (rassol). Observations on the culinary identity of the Baltic States. Baltische Erzähl- und Lebenswelten. Kultur-, literatur-, translations- und sprachwissenschaftliche Aspekte. Universität Tallinn, 17.–19.09.2020.
  13. Laizāns, M. Dining with Faustus – (Dis)Taste in Translating the Gastronomical. Literary Taste Map: From Taste Culture to Taste Industry. International conference. Vilnius. The Lithuanian Comparative Literature Association and Institute of Lithuanian Literature and Folklore, online, 24.–25.09.2020.
  14. Kušnere, S. Hunger oder Simulation von Hunger. = Hunger or simulating hunger. Beispiele aus der lettischen Literatur. Baltische Erzähl- und Lebenswelten. Kultur-, literatur-, translations- und sprachwissenschaftliche Aspekte. Universität Tallinn, 17.–19.09.2020.
  15. Kursīte, E. Gastronomiskās pieredzes Jāņa Poruka darbos “Pērļu zvejnieks” un “Kauja pie Knipskas”. = Gastronomic experience in Jānis Poruks’s “Pērļu zvejnieks” and “Kauja pie Knipskas”. LU 79. starptautiskā zinātniskā konference. Jānim Porukam 150 – teksti un konteksti, 19.02.2021.
  16. Grudule, M. Siegfried von Vegesacks “Die Baltische Tragödie” (1935) und “Der letzte Akt” (1957): Essen und Identität. = M. Siegfried von Vegesack’s “Die Baltische Tragödie” (1935) and “Der letzte Akt” (1957): Food and identity. Baltische Erzähl- und Lebenswelten. Kultur-, literatur-, translations- und sprachwissenschaftliche Aspekte. Universität Tallinn, 17.–19.09.2020.
  17. Kalniņa, I. Literarische Kochbücher – ein neues Hybridgenre in der neuesten lettischen Literatur. = Literary cookbooks - a new hybrid genre in the latest Latvian literature. Baltische Erzähl- und Lebenswelten. Kultur-, literatur-, translations- und sprachwissenschaftliche Aspekte. Universität Tallinn, 17.–19.09.2020.
  18. Kalniņa I. Breakfast in Valentīns Jakobsons’ short prose. Literary Taste Map: From Taste Culture to Taste Industry. International conference. Vilnius. The Lithuanian Comparative Literature Association and Institute of Lithuanian Literature and Folklore, online, 24.–25.09.2020.